Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Organ Systems Involved With Performing Or Assisting With...
There are several organ systems involved with performing or assisting with the action of typing. The integumentary system acts as a barrier to protect the fingers from harm or pathogenic agents from the keyboard. Thick skin, such as the skin of palms, has five skin layers including the stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, and stratum corneum, in order to protect the fingers from wear and tear. The integumentary system also provides protection with chemical barriers such as the acid mantle, which retards bacterial growth; human defensin, which kills bacteria; and cathelicidins, which prevent infections. Biological barriers in the epidermis such as Langerhans cells, tissue macrophages that act as antigen presenting cells, are also present. The integumentary system is also responsible for cutaneous sensation by sending signals received from Merkel cells in the epidermis and Meissner’s corpuscles in the dermis to the brain via nerves. The nervous system is in charge of carrying signals from the fingers to the brain, processing information, and sending signals back from the brain to the fingers. The nervous system’s afferent nerves carry signals from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system, neural integration is carried out by interneurons, and efferent neurons send signals back from the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system. Neurons conduct messages in the form of nerve impulses. They have dendrites toShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesCourier/Kendallville. The cover was printed by Courier/Kendallville. This book is printed on acid free paper. Copyright  © 2010, 2007, 2005, 2002 John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission
Monday, December 16, 2019
Modern Day Hero Essay Free Essays
H. English 12 February 27, 2013 Hines Ward as a Modern Hero There are very few people in the world today we can consider heroes. These people are almost always brave, honest, compassionate, and smart. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Day Hero Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now These qualities can all be found in Hines Ward. The things that make him a modern hero are his outstanding football career, dedication to charity, and perseverance for equality. Hines Ward would have never been able to achieve any of his goals or aspirations without his football career. It is the vessel that carried him forward in life, and it is what put him on top. Ward started out at a small high school in Atlanta, and then he went to The University of Georgia where he was drafted to the professional football team, the Pittsburgh Steelers. Ward was easily one of the best receivers to play in the NFL by far. In an article written about one of Wards hits where he broke Keith Rivers jaw, Larry Brown says â€Å"Lesson be learned: always go hard and stay on your toes when you’re occupying the same space as Hines Ward. Otherwise you’re going to wind up hurt. †(Brown). Just the idea that other players would have to pay attention to a singular player shows his ability. Even if Wards big hits weren’t enough, he is also one of eight people in NFL history to achieve a landmark 1,000 receptions. Hines is also the second player to have 1,000 receptions while also having multiple Super Bowl wins. Ward has been in multiple Super Bowls. In Super Bowl XL, he was recognized as the game’s MVP. Ward caught five passes for 123 yards, and had a touchdown. Even though he won this, he was still as humble as ever. Ward dropped a pass, and in an interview his teammate and quarterback Ben Roethlisberger said â€Å"Hines was going to kill himself because he dropped a touchdown pass. But you know what? He came out and made plays when he had to and that’s what he does. †(Super Bowl XL MVP). Ward is and forever will be one of the best players to play the game. There will never be many players who can match his intensity and ability. Although Ward ended up in a not so obscure place, he started very close to the bottom. He was born in Seoul, South Korea to his African American father nd his Korean mother. They moved to Atlanta, and his father left their family. Ward worked his way up from the bottom and had to deal with many obstacles along the way. Ward is very dedicated to helping other people overcome the same obstacles he himself overcame. In South Korea, Ward had to deal with discrimination due to being a mixed race child. After Ward became a professional football player, he was co mpelled to start a charity that would help deal with the issue of mixed-race discrimination in Korea and everywhere else. Ward called his charity The Hines Ward Helping Hands Foundation. Ward not only donates money, but much of his time to his foundation. In an interview about his charity Ward said â€Å"When I went to Korea and saw, firsthand, the biracial children, I could easily identify with them and they embraced me, like a hero. I do not want to let them down. I want to encourage them by providing them with resources and programs that will enhance their lives and chances for success in life. †(Interview with Eric Kuhn). Ward clearly wants to do his best to help these kids. He shows perseverance and helps to provide these underprivileged children with hope for their future. Other traits that make a modern hero are humility and a positive attitude. Ward is a player that demonstrates both. He is one of the hardest hitting players in the NFL, and one of the most humble. Ward says that â€Å"It’s like my mother still tells me, ‘Always be humble, and never forget where you came from. My story is kind of a perfect story, of how I was able to overcome all that. Maybe some other kids can use that as motivation. †(Hines Ward). Ward knows how lucky he is to have all the opportunities he was granted, and he doesn’t take these opportunities lightly. Ward also has a very positive attitude. Many players recall after hitting him, or being hit by him that he always had a smile on his face. In a play against the Seahawks, Ward caught a pass and ran into the endzone for a touchdown. It wasn’t the play that was extraordinary, but it was how Ward made the play. He ran the ball in the whole way, smiling. The NFL even took the picture taken of him making the play and made it into one of their go to advertisement pictures for the next year. The NFL put it on a raft of official publications the next year; it was that iconic, that unusual. â€Å"The NFL put it on a raft of official publications the next year; it was that iconic, that unusual. †(Collier). This one picture shows off Wards entire football career. Ward is just a regular guy, playing the game he loved every day, and doing it all with a smile on his face. He is an inspiration and a role model for all young people to look up to. Ward is easily one of the best people to ever play football, both on and off the field. His positive attitude mixed with his humble upbringing and overall ability is what makes him a modern day hero. Ward retired from the NFL with an unparalled dedication to his team. â€Å"Hines Ward believes he can still play football. The longtime Pittsburgh wide receiver known for his high-wattage smile and his bone-crunching blocks just couldn’t stomach the thought of doing it in some strange uniform on some strange field with nary a Terrible Towel in sight. †(Hensley). Ward retired with dignity as an all-time best Steelers receiver, and he is a person that everyone can find some inspiration in. How to cite Modern Day Hero Essay, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Corporate Governance and Ethics Issues Free-Sample for Students
Question: Identify the different Stakeholders who will be Affected by the Decision to be made, the Different Decisions Possible Regardless of the Ethical Stance and then Outline the Decision that you Consider the Most appropriate and why. Answer: Introduction Almost seven years after the dreadful and the worst environmental disaster of oil spill in Gulf of Mexico, the individuals and the world are still trying to recover from its damage. The outburst of the drilling rig, Deepwater Horizon resulted in nonstop oil pouring for around 86 days into the Gulf. This disastrous calamity took place on April, 20th, 2010. There well leaked by almost all its fillings, approximately 4 million barrels of oil was splashed in Gulf, ranging from the cost of Florida to Mexico (RT, USA, 2013). Regrettably, the oil spill destroyed the wildlife and the environment at every place it hit and it is also mysterious that for how long the negative impacts of this event will last. In the entire consequence, there were came in lime light the ethical issues which were prevailing in the British Petroleum, before, during and after the occurrence of such terrible environmental disaster (De Wolf and Mejri, 2013). Ethical issues in British petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (Source: Singh, 2013) There were certain ethical issues which were there in the British petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The primary ethical issue was the conflict of interests. The higher authorities and the administration were more concerned with the increase in the production profits rather than the improvement in the protection safety (Griggs, 2011). There was identified that the company violated seven federal regulations in its operations and this became the primary reason for the occurrence of the oil spill. The another ethical issue was that the management was extremely negligent towards the various significant aspects that requires high consideration such as there was lack of compliance related to the accepted industrial practices and safety standards. Because of absence of appropriate safety standards, there was no considerable strategy or plan for handling such a disastrous event. After the incident, in several analysis and reports it was found that the company had highly ignorance tow ards execiuting the negative tests or the mock drills. This resulted in insufficient training for the employees to control and mange such contingencies (Freudenburg and Gramling, 2011). There were certain red signals which were given to BP before enough from the date of incident. It was mentioned by the analysts that there are problems in the Deep-water Horizon but considering the profits and putting revenues over and above the safety of the employees, the management took no actions for the proactive maintenance. It result in deaths of 11 workers and around workers were affected by the both in the accident and in the cleaning process (White, et al., 2012). Another ethical issue which took place after the incidence of oil spill was that there were thousands of people who lost their habitat that includes the fishermen at the top as fishing was their one and the only source of earning and because of the impact of such dreadful event, there were caused death of around 6,800 animals. The great impact was posed upon the tourism industry, as because of such negative environmental impacts, the rate of tourists visiting Gulf of Mexico was rapidly declines and this resulted i n loss of wages as well as the jobs of number of individuals. And this became a big ethical dilemma for the organisation as it seizes the livelihood and source of earning of hundreds of people (J.M., 2012). The ignorant management decisions impacted all the stakeholders of the organisation which includes the local communities, industry, government, shareholders, employees, investors, environment and the customers. All these stakeholders were negatively impacted by the consequences of the event took place such as environment as the stakeholder wedged as the level of PAHs i.e. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons was increased to 40 times than it was before which decreased the oxygen levels and resulted formation of more of dead zones. The heart and other organs were also damage that results in life-shortening and in increase number of animals there was found oil. The other environment related ethical issues includes extended number of dead fishes, dead turtles, dead birds and dead dolphins, death of the coral community of Gulf region, presence of oil in the food chain for several number of years. The employees as the stakeholders were also impacted in a greater context as it cause death of e leven employees because if the ignorance of the management and there were also number of injuries which also affected the smooth livelihood of number of employees (Ramseur, 2010). The local communities as the stakeholders are the one which had impacted negatively in a much deeper sense. There were found negative physical health symptoms in the children who have their habitat in the regions of 10 miles distance from the coastline. The recreational fishing and the commercial fishing was also closed in the affected federal water which were impacted because of toxic substances, it results in snatching the source of earning and livelihoods of number of local fishermen (Paul, et al., 2013). The fisherman also found more number of dead crabs, fishes and other animals; therefore, the squat number of fishes was not sufficient for all the people involved in the fishing occupation. The Government as a stakeholder got affected as because of the aftereffects of the incident, the beach was remained closed as well as due to the presence of toxic and deadly substances in the food materials, the number of tourists that visits Mexico suddenly decreased and this affected the tou rism of the country. Tourism was a significant source of revenue generation for the company, but because of all such non-happening events, there was no or very little revenue generation from the tourism sector (Padgett, Cheng and Parekh, 2013). The shareholders were had to face a lot of monetary losses because of the company had to pay a huge amount of claims to the employees and the local communities, high amounts as the grants to the Gulf States, sales dropped down by 10 to 40 percent and the tock price of BP was also fall down by 52 percent in just next fifty days of the incident took place. The investors also had an impression of strain as their holdings were decreased to $27.02, which shows a loss of around 54 percent in the total value. The oil industry was also get threatened by the consequences took placed of the incident as the government had imposed strict regulations upon the gas and oil drilling so that such explosions can be prevented from taking place in coming future (Partlett and Weaver, 2011). The organisations were essentially required to implement strict safety standards and regulation otherwise the entire operations were about to ceased, thus it made difficult for the oil companies work by following all the rules, standards and regulations (Theguardian, 2011). The customers also have to pay almost doubled charges for the purchase of oil as there was a loss of 4 million barrels of oil which was spilled into the Gulf. This led to increase in the prices of oil across the world. There were also possibilities of several other decisions which can be taken by the higher management and there can likelihoods of preventing this incident taking place. If the administration had given appropriate consideration over the red flags of danger and have taken actions for the proactive maintenance of the Deep-water Horizon or have prepared plans for contingencies, the country could be saved from such a big loss (Bond, 2013). The best decision which could be taken by the administration could be giving more importance to the protection and safety rather than production and profits. Just after getting the first insight of issue, there should be executed proper examination of the operations, so that there can be set safety standards. As well as must work with a utilitarianism approach which makes the organisations works over the principle of, The greatest good for the greatest number. If BP had worked with this theory, then there would be the least harm and the most good to the society and the environment. Instead of having profit motive functioning, there could be a mixed approach of having profits with equal positive impact over the society and the environment (Beauchamp, Bowie and Arnold, 2004). Conclusion From this essay, it can be concluded that the British petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was the most terrible and awful environmental disaster in the history of Mexico. But rather than a calamity, it was more of an outcome of the ignorant organisational management. There were several ethical issues which were associated with this incident that ruined and deteriorate the brand image of BP for the entire lifespan. If the management have given equal significance to the profits of the organisation and the safety regulation, then there can be saved lives of thousands of species, birds and animals. Thus, it is concluded that, an organisation is required to remain ethically sound for having a successful and sustainable future ahead. References Beauchamp, T. L., Bowie, N. E., Arnold, D. G. (Eds.). (2004). Ethical theory and business. Bond, D. (2013). Governing disaster: the political life of the environment during the BP oil spill.Cultural Anthropology,28(4), 694-715. De Wolf, D., Mejri, M. (2013). Crisis communication failures: The BP case study.International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics,2(2), 48-56. Freudenburg, W. R., Gramling, R. (2011).Blowout in the Gulf: The BP oil spill disaster and the future of energy in America. MIT Press. Griggs, J. W. (2011). BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill.Energy LJ,32, 57. Padgett, D. R. G., Cheng, S. S., Parekh, V. (2013). The quest for transparency and accountability: Communicating responsibly to stakeholders in crises.Asian Social Science,9(9), 31. Partlett, D. F., Weaver, R. L. (2011). BP Oil Spill: Compensation, Agency Costs, and Restitution.Wash. Lee L. Rev.,68, 1341. Paul, J. H., Hollander, D., Coble, P., Daly, K. L., Murasko, S., English, D., ... Kovach, C. W. (2013). Toxicity and mutagenicity of Gulf of Mexico waters during and after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.Environmental science technology,47(17), 9651-9659. Ramseur, J. L. (2010, December). Deepwater Horizon oil spill: the fate of the oil. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. RT, USA, (2013). BP accused of misleading govt. during Gulf oil spill, Retrieved on: 9th April, 2017, Retrieved from: https://www.rt.com/usa/bp-misled-gulf-oil-563/ Singh, R., (2013). BP oil spill case study, Retrieved on: 9th April, 2017, Retrieved from: https://www.slideshare.net/ranricranjeet/bp-oil-spill-case-study Theguardian, (2011). US commission on BP oil spill demands tougher safety regulations, Retrieved on: 9th April, 2017, Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2011/jan/11/bp-oil-spill-usa White, H. K., Hsing, P. Y., Cho, W., Shank, T. M., Cordes, E. E., Quattrini, A. M., ... Brooks, J. M. (2012). Impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on a deep-water coral community in the Gulf of Mexico.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,109(50), 20303-20308.
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